English language challenges

At school I never paid attention to English classes, I did not like how the teacher taught, so I used to sleep or just do nothing. Now I regret a lot of that, because this language is used a lot, even more in the scientific area, since most of the scientific articles come in English, and they must be translated to understand them. In the University I have tried harder to learn this language, since it is very useful, even though I find it quite difficult.

It has been an interesting experience, writing about me and reading about the likes of others, I have never had a blog, except in English. It is a good way to learn, so one learns vocabulary almost alone, and we can also do it at home, which makes it more comfortable and so one can always be up to date with others, and do everything online, which makes it faster and easier to use.
My writing has improved a little, although not completely, since I must always lean on the translator, because there are words that I do not know, and I am entangled alone.

Outside the English class I almost do not use it, only sometimes when I read news from sites that are in English and I'm really interested in reading the news, I also listen to music in English, but I do not pay attention to the lyrics, I listen to them just to concentrate while I study. My friends study English Literature, and whenever I am with them they talk about things in English, sometimes I learn new things and other times I ignore them, because  they read things that are very long and boring.


  1. Write blogs it's a very "efficient" way to learn about how to write in english
    Good post!!

  2. Some teachers really don't know how to teach English and sometimes that "hit" hard when you get out of the school.


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