changes to my study programme

When I entered to study at this university,I thought it would have good infrastructure, that would have large libraries, a good gym, a big place to eat, and things like that .. But I was a little disappointed to see what this faculty had, even though it is better this to nothing.
I think that one of the main changes that should be made in the program of study is in the "Introductions to the race", since they do not teach us what an engineer does, or in all the areas that can be worked, could lead us to Factories, to encourage people who enter the race and not drop out the first few months, because they did not get noticed because of what they saw about the things that a food engineer does.
The curriculum is very complete, but could have more "advanced" subjects, where we work with food, an example, have a chapter of sensory analysis of food, we are taught only the basics, in the same subject of introduction to the career. It could also have better laboratories for the preparation of food in the faculty, since laboratories do not have many technologies. We also have a small faculty, where in winter with luck there is room to eat, which is annoying, since the places that are usually used to study are used as a casino.
Also the rooms are very small, sometimes there are classes where we are more than 100 people and hopefully there are seats, or you can not hear what the teacher says or what he writes. The teaching method is not very good, but it can not be generalized, since there are very good teachers, and others who only dedicate themselves to reading a power point, which is the same as reading a book only at home.


  1. I think the same, We need better faculty facilities right now!

  2. You speak about a gym, but it´s incredible to thing the only one gym closer it isn´t our, it´s from dentistry faculty.

  3. I hate when i go to classes and they only read from the ppt!

  4. in winter everything is very crowded,we need a place to eat!!!


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